We partner with a wide range of other groups and organisations beyond the Institute and The University of Manchester.
We have recent and ongoing collaborative relations with researchers at Lund, Stockholm, Oslo, Melbourne, Ryerson, Haifa, Toronto, and Toulouse Universities, among others.
We also engage in highly interdisciplinary collaborations across the University of Manchester, notably with the Tyndall Centre on Climate Change Research, the Henry Royce Institute, Sustainable Futures, and the Manchester Urban Institute.
Others are through our partnerships with broad networks of researchers in our field.
Key networks for us are the Sustainability Transitions Research Network, the Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative, and the Belmont Forum.
Finally, we work with a range of non-academic partners, both as participants and collaborators in our projects, via consultancy arrangements, or to generate significant social impacts from our research.
We work, for example, with government organisations such as the Manchester Climate Change Agency, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, the European Environment Agency, the Department of Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
We work with companies such as Tesco plc and the Co-op plc.
We also work with a diverse range of NGOs and social movement organisations, such as the WWF, Repair Café movement, Transition Towns network, Open Kitchen Manchester, the Kindling Trust, Upping It, the Ahmed Iqbal Ulla Race Relations Resource Centre, Manchester Environmental Education Network, Friends of the Earth, and the Women’s Environmental Network.