IMAGINE: Contested Futures of Sustainability

This 3-year project, funded by the Norwegian Research Council, sets out to study images of the future as imaginaries in a sustainable future.

IMAGINE contested futures of sustainability logo

IMAGINE: Contested Futures of Sustainability is an interdisciplinary research project across humanities, social sciences, design, and arts, bringing together researchers from Norway, the Netherlands, and the UK, that investigates the power of cultural imaginaries of sustainability to influence societal change, and guide and legitimize actions taken by different societal actors to establish possible futures.

The project in part builds on Dan Welch’s ESRC-funded project ‘Imagined Futures of Consumption’.

The project is led by Consumption Research Norway (SIFO), Oslo Metropolitan University. Project partners include the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design at Oslo Met, the Norwegian Museum of Cultural HistoryDesign and Architecture Norway (DOGA)Eindhoven University of TechnologyUtrecht University, and Æra Strategic Innovation.

The project website is available to view on the IMAGINE project website.
